CIHI/IHE Diagnostic Imaging Invitational Workshop

About the CIHI/IHE Diagnostic Imaging Invitational Workshop

6 – 7 February 2012
Edmonton, Alberta

As part of the Alberta Ambassador Guideline Adaptation Program, in February 2012, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) in partnership with the Institute of Health Economics (IHE) sponsored a two day meeting of content, administrative and research experts to identify the breadth of diagnostic imaging studies that CIHI might feasibly undertake with its data or with data that could be easily obtained. The purpose of this report is to summarize the meeting proceedings and the recommendations stemming from the discussion.

The specific objectives of the meeting were to:

  1. To identify what kinds of analyses/studies could be undertaken with existing CIHI data (or easily obtainable data) that would shed light on the utilization and costs of diagnostic imaging in a way that allows decision-makers to act on this knowledge; and
  2. To determine what data would be helpful to obtain that could be used to answer questions concerning the utilization and costs of diagnostic imaging.
Download Meeting Summary 
CIHI/IHE Diagnostic Imaging Invitational Workshop – Meeting Summary

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